Please do the following:

  1. Open this file: “/Views/CourseChannel/Manage.cshtml”

  2. Press CTRL + F, type “video”

  3. Go to the <video> line, add controlsList=”nodownload”

    So, it will become this:

    <video controls **controlsList=”nodownload”**>
    <source src="/UploadedFiles/@file.FileName" type="video/mp4">
    Your browser does not support the video tag.

The code above will hide the download video button when click on 3 dots at the video control.

In case you want to disable the “Save video as” while right click on the video, add the following script code at the bottom of the page (/Views/CourseChannel/Manage.cshtml):

$('video').bind('contextmenu',function() { return false; });

If you want to disable the user from downloading video by using external plugin/software/extension, I guess it’s impossible or it will need a lot of time to do the testing because user has full control of what are the plugins/software/extension they want to use.