This error appears after adding new role or edit existing role name?

Add New Role

To ADD NEW ROLE in e-learning web application, run the following query to your project’s database:

insert into AspNetRoles (Id , Name) values (newid(), 'NewRoleName’);

Remember to change the ‘NewRoleName’ to a role name that you want

Edit Existing Role Name

To EDIT Existing Role Name, do the following steps:

  1. Run this query: select * from aspnetroles

  2. Copy the id of the role name that you want to modify

  3. Run this quey:

    update aspnetroles set Name = ‘RoleNewName’ where Id = ‘PasteIdThatCopiedInStep2’

    Remember to change the ‘RoleNewName’ to a role name that you want

  4. Remember to edit the name also in the code, see the picture below: