To build and run the project in localhost, follow these steps:

  1. Unzip the file, go to Source Code folder, open OnlineLearning.sln file with Microsoft Visual Studio.

  2. Follow this video to setup database in Visual Studio (The video is from my other project but the steps are exactly the same), if you want to publish to hosting server instead of running at localhost, then do the steps on MS SQL server management studio

  3. Then, follow this video to do email setup

    <aside> ‼️ (”Allow less secure app” method is no longer available after 30 May 2022, please refer to this article and use the new method instead)


  4. Then, Follow this video’s 4:02 until 5:35 to edit web.config file’s email and time zone (Only watch 4:02 - 5:35, other parts can ignore)